simularium_metrics_calculator package¶
- simularium_metrics_calculator.calculators package
- Submodules
- simularium_metrics_calculator.calculators.agents_calculator module
- simularium_metrics_calculator.calculators.calculator module
- simularium_metrics_calculator.calculators.nearest_neighbor_calculator module
- simularium_metrics_calculator.calculators.number_of_agents_calculator module
- simularium_metrics_calculator.calculators.times_calculator module
- Module contents
simularium_metrics_calculator.constants module¶
- class simularium_metrics_calculator.constants.METRIC_TYPE(value)[source]¶
The type of a metric, for determining which metrics can be plotted against one another.
- class simularium_metrics_calculator.constants.PLOT_AXIS(value)[source]¶
Axes for a 2D plot.
- X = 'x'¶
- Y = 'y'¶
simularium_metrics_calculator.exceptions module¶
- exception simularium_metrics_calculator.exceptions.IncompatibleMetricsError(x_metric_name: str, y_metric_name: str, **kwargs: int)[source]¶
This exception is intended to communicate that the requested metrics have incompatible metric types and can’t be plotted against each other.
simularium_metrics_calculator.metric_info module¶
- class simularium_metrics_calculator.metric_info.MetricInfo(display_name: str, metric_type: METRIC_TYPE, calculator: Type[Calculator], exclude_axes: List[PLOT_AXIS] | None = None)[source]¶
Data about a metric that can be calculated.
- Parameters:
- display_name: str
The name for this metric to display on a plot axis.
- metric_type: METRIC_TYPE
The type of metric, for determining which metrics can be plotted against one another.
- calculator: Type[Calculator]
The calculator class for this metric.
- exclude_axes: List[PLOT_AXIS] (optional)
A list of plot axes where this metric doesn’t make sense, if any. Default: [] (don’t exclude any axes)
- calculator: Type[Calculator]¶
- display_name: str¶
- exclude_axes: List[str]¶
- metric_type: METRIC_TYPE¶
simularium_metrics_calculator.metrics_registry module¶
simularium_metrics_calculator.metrics_service module¶
- class simularium_metrics_calculator.metrics_service.MetricsService[source]¶
This object lists and calculates metrics that can be plotted in the Simularium Viewer.
- available_metrics() List[Dict[str, Any]] [source]¶
Get the IDs and display names for the metrics that are compatible with the given type of data.
- Returns:
- List[Dict[str, Any]]
A list of info about each available metric, including session ID, display name, metric type, and excluded axes.
- metric_info_for_id(metric_id: int) MetricInfo [source]¶
Get a MetricInfo for a given metric’s session id. Raise an error if the metric_id is not found in the registry.
- Parameters:
- metric_id: int
The session ID for the requested metric.
- Returns:
- MetricInfo
Info about the requested metric.
- plot_data(traj_data: TrajectoryData, plots: List[PlotInfo]) str [source]¶
Add plots with the given configuration.
- Parameters:
- traj_dataTrajectoryData,
A Simularium trajectory.
- plots: List[PlotInfo]
A list of PlotInfo configuration for each plot.
- Returns:
- str
A JSON string of the plot(s) in simularium format.
simularium_metrics_calculator.plot_info module¶
- class simularium_metrics_calculator.plot_info.PlotInfo(plot_type: PLOT_TYPE, metric_id_x: int, metric_id_y: int = -1, scatter_plot_mode: SCATTER_PLOT_MODE = SCATTER_PLOT_MODE.MARKERS, title: str = '')[source]¶
This object takes Simularium trajectory data and calculates metrics that can be plotted in the Simularium Viewer.
- Parameters:
- plot_type: PLOT_TYPE
What type of plot to make.
- metric_id_xint
ID for the metric to plot on the x-axis.
- metric_id_yint (Optional)
ID for the metric to plot on the y-axis. If not provided, the plot will be a histogram.
- scatter_plot_modeSCATTER_PLOT_MODE (Optional)
If the plot is a scatterplot, how to draw the points. Default: SCATTER_PLOT_MODE.MARKERS (draw as dots)
- title: str
Title to display above plot.
- metric_id_x: int¶
- metric_id_y: int¶
- scatter_plot_mode: SCATTER_PLOT_MODE¶
- set_display_title(metric_info_x: MetricInfo, metric_info_y: MetricInfo | None) None [source]¶
Return the title to display above the plot. If no title is provided, default to “Y metric name vs. X metric name”.
- Parameters:
- metric_info_x: MetricInfo
Info about the metric to plot on the x-axis.
- metric_info_y: MetricInfo (optional)
Info about the metric to plot on the y-axis. Default: None (only for histograms)
- title: str¶
- validate_plot_configuration(metric_info_x: MetricInfo, metric_info_y: MetricInfo | None) None [source]¶
Check that the plot type and number of metrics are consistent, and that the X and Y metrics are of the same type if this is not a histogram.
- Parameters:
- metric_info_x: MetricInfo
Info about the metric to plot on the x-axis.
- metric_info_y: MetricInfo (optional)
Info about the metric to plot on the y-axis. Default: None (only for histograms)
Module contents¶
Top-level package for simularium_metrics_calculator.